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Trieste Next
Festival of
Scientific Research

The 2023 Edition of TriesteNext will feature world-renowned scientists and professionals in the field of innovation and technology transfer. Click here to discover the official list of speakers

Regius Professor of Physics University of Manchester, premio Nobel per la Fisica 2010 con Kostya Novoselov
docente Università di Milano, direttore Laboratorio di Biologia delle Cellule Staminali e Farmacologia delle Malattie Neurodegenerative
director emeritus and Scientific Member Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics Dresden, chair emeritus Scientific Council Max Planck Society
docente di Politica e direttore del Digital Ethics Laboratory Catholic University of Portugal
professore onorario di Economia Università di Torino
docente e direttore Centro di ricerca Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (UPC), decano del Collegio di Ingegneria Informatica della Catalogna
senior scientist SIWI-Stockholm International Water Institute, autore di La tempesta perfetta. Acqua, cibo e 8 miliardi di consumatori (Post Editori)

22-24 September, Trieste

Science, Culture and Innovation
for a Sustainable Future

Since its very first edition, Trieste Next has focused on the key issues of the scientific and cultural debate: food, water, energy, the relationship between mankind and technology, and so on. The 2023 Edition will outline the scientific agenda for the coming years, featuring a widespread debate on the changes needed for a more sustainable future and strengthening the synergies between STEM disciplines, humanities and social sciences.

Trieste Next

With its 2 universities, one science and technology park and over 30 research centres Trieste is undoubtedly an international Capital of Science. Trieste Next is an “observatory” and temporary “laboratory”, an international showcase where state-of-the-art applied research, new technologies and innovative companies meet. Technology transfer is a key factor, since without research and innovation there is no growth nor economic development. Trieste Next thus aims at promoting the importance of partnerships between academia and the private sector.


A 3-day intensive programme targeting international University students (BA, MA, PhD students as well as recent graduates) with a specific focus on robotics and artificial intelligence, medical sciences and biotechnologies.

Trieste Next at a glance

120 events, 300 speakers

Physics, medical sciences, biotechnologies

50 exhibits in the “City of Knowledge”

For international English-speaking students