Alessia Giovanna Matrisciano, drammaturga e scrittrice
Marco Olivieri, compositore, pianista e performer
Presented by
Ester Colizza, docente di Geologia Università di Trieste
The event will take place in italian
The theatrical performance tells the story of the "Franklin Expedition," which departed from England in May 1845 with the ships Erebus and Terror and 129 crew members in search of the Northwest Passage. Franklin, his ships, and his crew were last seen in August 1845 before vanishing without a trace. The ships became trapped in the ice, and the men attempted a long march towards land, never reaching their destination. The author and actress of this documentary monologue narrates the historical event using symbols and fictional video testimonies from the explorers.
An event by Università di Trieste, Museo Nazionale dell'Antartide-Sezione di Trieste