Venerdì 27 settembre / ore 09-09.45
Area Talk 2
Piazza Unità d'Italia, Trieste, TS, Italia

A panel with
Matteo Biagetti, fisico teorico, ricercatore Istituto di Ricerca e Innovazione Tecnologica RIT Area Science Park
Mariarita de Luca, bioingegnere, ricercatrice Istituto di Ricerca e Innovazione Tecnologica RIT Area Science Park
The event will take place in italian
Through an interactive game, boys and girls will have the opportunity to understand how language models work and discover how Artificial Intelligence can generate texts that appear to be written by a human. This exploratory journey, led by researchers from Area Science Park, encourages us to reflect on our relationship with technology, starting from data—the valuable information that forms the foundation of all models.
An event by Area Science Park

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