Sabato 28 settembre / ore 18-19.15
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Sala delle Colonne
Riva del Mandracchio, Trieste, TS, Italia

A panel with
Caterina Benincasa, curatrice del progetto Art & Science del Joint Research Centre della Commissione Europea
Francesca Cuturello, ricercatrice Area Science Park
Daria Jelonek, media artist, ricercatrice e designer
Vincenzo Napolano, responsabile comunicazione Osservatorio Gravitazionale Europeo
Lulù Nuti, artista
Chaired by
Andrea Parlangeli, giornalista Focus
Real and/or virtual spaces where diverse forms of knowledge and expertise find fertile ground for dialogue. Contamination and exchanges between vastly different worlds: from theatre to science, from technological innovation to sculpture. These are the elements behind the creation of artistic residencies, offering programs that enable artists and creatives to experiment and try their hand at developing ideas, techniques, and projects by working in different environments than usual. The event will feature presentations and discussions of various art residency experiments.
An event by Area Science Park

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