A panel with
Domenico Golzio, esperto di informazione brevettuale
Guido Moradei, presidente Associazione Italiana Documentalisti Brevettuali
Maria Lisa Platania, Business Anthropologist, fondatrice startup Incrementum Factory
Chaired by
Simona Regina, redattrice INNlifes
The event will take place in italian
In an era where generative artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly prevalent, is there still room for human creativity? And who are the inventors of the future? Are we still capable of creating the "disruptive" innovations that change our lives? By examining innovative objects, technologies, and processes that have become integral to our daily lives and have revolutionized the existence of entire generations, we will attempt to answer these and other questions. The event will conclude with the awarding of the winners of the 19th edition of the Nobile Prize for Patent Information.
An event by Area Science Park, in collaboration with SIS FVG