A panel with
Lorenzo D'Amico, ricercatore Monash University
Giulia Saccomano, dottoranda Università di Trieste - Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste
Chaired by
Marcello Turconi, responsabile comunicazione scientifica CERIC-ERIC
The event will take place in italian
It's often assumed that the sophisticated investigative techniques housed within large research infrastructures are reserved for so-called pure science, with applications far removed from everyday life. In reality, thanks to highly cross-disciplinary collaborations, these tools are increasingly being used in the development of next-generation biomedical applications. This session will explore how synchrotron radiation, supported by AI systems, can help shed light on critical clinical conditions such as osteoporosis and melanoma.
An event by Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, In collaboration with CERIC-ERIC