Sabato 23 settembre / ore 11.30-12.45
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Sala delle Colonne
Riva del Mandracchio, Trieste, TS, Italia
Biglietti esauriti
The event will be held in English (without translation)
Panel with
Fabrizia Cesca, docente di Fisiologia Università di Trieste / professor of Physiology University of Trieste
Sara Salinas, ricercatrice in Biotecnologie e Ricerca virale, principal investigator INSERM-Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale Montpellier / researcher in Biotech and Viral research, principal investigator INSERM-Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale Montpellier
Matteo Rossi Sebastiano, ricercatore in Biotecnologie e Farmacologia Università di Torino / researcher in Biotech and Pharmacology University of Turin
Chaired by
Gabriele Baj, docente di Anatomia comparata e Citologia, coordinatore Centro Interdipartimentale di Microscopia avanzata Università di Trieste / professor of Comparative anatomy and Cytology, coordinator Interdepartmental Center for Advanced Microscopy University of Trieste

The conference will be held by four young researchers who will present concrete examples of the use of biotechnologies in fields of biomedical research. In particular the speakers will focus their talks in presenting cutting edge research in the study of viruses, of rare genetic pathologies, of crossover between structural biology and computational medicinal chemistry and about the use of advanced microscopy techniques.

A panel by University of Trieste

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