Gabriele Codotto, Ph.D. student University of Ferrara, Genomic and Epigenomic laboratory Area Science Park
Anna Ludovica Fracanzani, Director of Medicine and Metabolic Disease Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico. Professor of Internal Medicine University of Milan
Claudio Tiribelli, scientific director Italian Liver Foundation
Chaired by
Cristina Bellarosa, senior scientist Italian Liver Foundation
Eric Quint, former senior vice president and chief design and brand officer of 3M, author of Design Leadership. Elevating design at a scale (Stanford Business Books)
Nicola Brunetti-Pierri, principal investigator Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, professor of Pediatrics at Federico II University of Naples
Federico Mingozzi, Chief Executive Officer Newco
Andrés Muro, group leader Mouse Molecular Genetics Laboratory ICGEB
Tonya Blowers, coordinator Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD)
Peter McGrath, coordinator InterAcademy Partnership (IAP)
Alessandro Garbellini, head Office for Space Scientific Multilateral Cooperation and Intellectual Property Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI)
Phyu Phyu Thin Zaw, lecturer in Health Leadership and Management in Crisis Settings Hong Kong University
Laura Tripaldi, scientist and writer, author of Gender Tech. Come la tecnologia controlla il corpo delle donne ("Gender Tech. How technology controls women's bodies", Laterza)
Marco Marigliano, professor of Pediatrics University of Verona, physician Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata di Verona
Enza Mozzillo, professor of Pediatrics Federico II University of Naples, head of the Regional Pediatric Diabetes Centre Federico II University Hospital of Naples.
Chaired by
Gianluca Tornese, professor of Pediatrics University of Trieste, physician IRCCS Burlo Garofolo
Sahra Talamo, professor of Chemistry University of Bologna, author of Misurare la storia. La nuova linea del tempo dell'evoluzione umana ("Measuring History. The new timeline of human evolution", Raffaello Cortina Editore)
Chaired by
Fabio Pagan, scientific journalist, collaborator of Il Piccolo di Trieste and RadioRai3
Telmo Pievani, professor of Philosophy of Biological Sciences University of Padua, author of Tutti i mondi possibili. Un'avventura nella grande biblioteca dell'evoluzione ("All Possible Worlds. An adventure in the great library of evolution", Raffaello Cortina Editore)
Gian Francesco Giudice, director Department of Theoretical Physics CERN Geneva, author of Prima del Big Bang. Come è iniziato l'universo e cosa è avvenuto prima ("Before the Big Bang. How the universe began and what came before", Rizzoli)
Chaired by
Giovanni Caprara, scientific columnist Corriere della Sera, president UGIS-Scientific Journalists Union
Luca Bortolussi, professor of Computer Science and head of the the AI lab University of Trieste
Karina Gibert, Professor and Director Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence research center (UPC), dean College of Computer Engineering of Catalonia
Elisa Ricci, professor of Deep Learning University of Trento, head Deep Visual Learning Research Unit Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Chaired by
Massimo Fedeli, head of Department for Development of Methods and Technologies for the Production and Dissemination of Statistical Information Istat
Ananyo Bhattacharya, chief science writer LIMS-London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, author of L'uomo venuto dal futuro. La vita visionaria di John Von Neuman ("The Man from the Future. The visionary life of John Von Neumann, Adelphi)
Wieland Huttner, director emeritus and Scientific Member Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics Dresden, chair emeritus Scientific Council Max Planck Society
Giuliano Grignaschi, head of Animal Welfare University of Milan, co-author of Io le patate le bollo vive ("I boil potatoes alive", Einaudi)
Roberto Sitia, professor of Molecular Biology Vita e Salute San Raffaele University of Milan, co-author of Io le patate le bollo vive ("I boil potatoes alive", Einaudi)
Giovanni Birarda, researcher SISSI-Bio beamline: Synchrotron Infrared source for Spectroscopy and Imaging applications for Chemical and Life Sciences Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste
Sumea Klokic, researcher CERIC-ERIC
Benedetta Marmiroli, researcher Institute of Inorganic Chemistry Graz University of Technology
Chaired by
Marcello Turconi, science communication officer CERIC-ERIC
Jan Olof Lundqvist, senior scientist SIWI-Stockholm International Water Institute, author of La tempesta perfetta. Acqua, cibo e 8 miliardi di consumatori ("The perfect storm. Water, food and 8 billion consumers", Post Editori)
Giovanni Birarda, researcher SISSI-Bio beamline: Synchrotron Infrared source for Spectroscopy and Imaging applications for Chemical and Life Sciences Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste
Francesco Boschin, professor of Physical Anthropology and Prehistoric Ecology University of Siena
Marco Ferrari, biologist, science journalist, teacher Master in comunicazione della scienza "Franco Prattico" SISSA
Francesco Longo, professor in Experimental Physics University of Trieste
Chaired by
Lisa Vaccari, IDEAS group coordinator: Imaging, Diffraction, Emission, absorption and Scattering Beamlines and Labs Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste
Elena Caprotti, director Energy Transition Central Department for Environmental Defense, Energy and Sustainable Development Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Fausto Ferraccioli, director Section of Geophysics OGS
Vanni Lughi, professor in Materials Science and Technology University of Trieste, president Fonda College of Trieste
Chaired by
Stefano Fantoni, president Trieste International Foundation for the progress and Freedom of Science