A panel with
Agnese Bissi, ricercatrice in Fisica delle alte energie, cosmologia e astroparticelle ICTP
Francesco Scazza, docente di Fisica della materia Università di Trieste, ricercatore CNR Istituto Nazionale di Ottica
Chaired by
Sara Anzuinelli, communication assistant Consorzio iNEST
The event will take place in italian
What does it mean to do research? How does one become a researcher? What is a typical day like for a scientist? The two speakers at this event will answer these and other questions, sharing their passion for science and the journey that led them to make research their profession. For participants, this will be an opportunity to discover a fascinating and often little-known career, and to satisfy their curiosity by interacting directly with two young physicists who study very different aspects of the universe we live in.
An event by ICTP

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